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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
ICON baroclinic life cycle simulations description and dataset for studying the cloud-radiative impact on the dynamics of an idealized cyclone
Behrooz Keshtgar1 , Aiko Voigt2 , Corinna Hoose1 , Michael Riemer3 , and Bernhard Mayer4
1Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
2University of Vienna
3Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz
4Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
First published:
Jan. 2, 2023
DOI: 10.57970/h1y02-bjv70
Waves to Weather (SFB/TRR 165)
baroclinic life cycle
cloud radiative heating

Keshtgar, B., Voigt, A., Hoose, C., Riemer, M., and Mayer, B. (2023): ICON baroclinic life cycle simulations description and dataset for studying the cloud-radiative impact on the dynamics of an idealized cyclone. LMU Munich, Faculty of Physics. (Dataset). DOI: 10.57970/h1y02-bjv70

wget and curl are the two standard tools that are available on most Linux and macOS computers. wget contains a feature for downloading a list of files:
wget -x -nH -i ''
curl is missing a feature like that, but the same functionality can be created by combining curl and xargs:
curl '' | xargs -I URL -n1 bash -c 'curl --create-dirs -o ${1:43} ${1}' -- URL
This collection contains the ICON baroclinic life cycle simulations description and post-processed datasets used in the study of Keshtgar et al., 2022 (Cloud-radiative impact on the dynamics and predictability of an idealized extratropical cyclone, The simulations use a newly implemented channel setup in the ICON model and apply a modeling technique that isolates the impact of cloud radiation on the cyclone.

ICON baroclinic life cycle simulations description and dataset for studying the cloud-radiative impact on the dynamics of an idealized cyclone

This collection contains the ICON baroclinic life cycle simulations description and post-processed datasets used in the study of Keshtgar et al., 2022 (Cloud-radiative impact on the dynamics and predictability of an idealized extratropical cyclone, The simulations use a newly implemented channel setup in the ICON model and apply a modeling technique that isolates the impact of cloud radiation on the cyclone.

Evolution of an idealized cyclone shown by 3-dimensional cloud cover and surface temperature
simulated with ICON using implemented planar-channel setup. (Download_movie)

Dataset Description:

The post-processed datasets for each simulation are within a directory described as follows

Horizontal resolution: 2.5 km
LC1-channel-4000x9000km-2km-0002 Simulation with no radiation
LC1-channel-4000x9000km-2km-0003 Simulation with only cloud radiation
LC1-channel-4000x9000km-2km-0004 Simulation with only cloud radiation scaled by a factor of 2
LC1-channel-4000x9000km-2km-0005 Simulation with only cloud radiation until day 3
LC1-channel-4000x9000km-2km-0006 Simulation with only cloud radiation until day 4
LC1-channel-4000x9000km-2km-0007 Simulation with only cloud radiation until day 5
LC1-channel-4000x9000km-2km-0008 Simulation with only cloud radiation until day 6
LC1-channel-4000x9000km-2km-0009 Simulation with no radiation, and with 2-moment microphysics
LC1-channel-4000x9000km-2km-0010 Simulation with only cloud radiation, and with 2-moment microphysics
Horizontal resolution: 80 km
LC1-channel-4000x9000km-80km-0001 Simulation with all-sky radiation
LC1-channel-4000x9000km-80km-0002 Simulation with no radiation
LC1-channel-4000x9000km-80km-0003 Simulation with only cloud radiation


The keshtgar-etal-crh-cyclone-wcd2022 directory contains:

  • ICON simulation run scripts
  • scripts for deriving the baroclinic life cycle initial conditions
  • and the analysis scripts.