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Output data of idealised tropical channel simulations of an aqua planet at 5km and 13km resolution with ICON for different convection conducts
Yvonne Ruckstuhl1 , Robert Redl1 , Peter Knippertz2 , Hyunju Jung2 , and Tijana Janjic1
1Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
2Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
First published:
Oct. 23, 2023
DOI: 10.57970/p3ahb-yba70
aqua planet
tropical channel

Ruckstuhl, Y., Redl, R., Knippertz, P., Jung, H., and Janjic, T. (2023): Output data of idealised tropical channel simulations of an aqua planet at 5km and 13km resolution with ICON for different convection conducts. LMU Munich, Faculty of Physics. (Dataset). DOI: 10.57970/p3ahb-yba70

wget and curl are the two standard tools that are available on most Linux and macOS computers. wget contains a feature for downloading a list of files:
wget -x -nH -i ''
curl is missing a feature like that, but the same functionality can be created by combining curl and xargs:
curl '' | xargs -I URL -n1 bash -c 'curl --create-dirs -o ${1:43} ${1}' -- URL
Idealized aqua planet channel simulations using the ICOsahedral Nonhydrostatic (ICON) model with a horizontal grid resolution of approx. 13 km. The channel length corresponds to the Earth's circumference with cyclic boundary conditions and rigid walls at 30° N/S. Zonally symmetric sea surface temperatures are prescribed. We perform four aqua channel experiments with different deep and shallow convection representations.
Exp. name Directory Deep conv. Shallow conv.
P13 param On On (deterministic)
S13 shallow Off On (deterministic)
SS13 stochastic_shallow Off On (stochastic)
E13 explicit Off Off
P5 high_res_param On On (deterministic)
E5 high_res_explicit Off Off
