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PALM-LES / EUREC4A shallow cumulus dataset with 3D cloud output data
Fabian Jakub1 and Lea Solveig Volkmer1
1Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
First published:
Dec. 18, 2023
DOI: 10.57970/r4wfp-kp367
Waves to Weather (SFB/TRR 165)

Jakub, F. and Volkmer, L., S. (2023): PALM-LES / EUREC4A shallow cumulus dataset with 3D cloud output data. LMU Munich, Faculty of Physics. (Dataset). DOI: 10.57970/r4wfp-kp367

wget and curl are the two standard tools that are available on most Linux and macOS computers. wget contains a feature for downloading a list of files:
wget -x -nH -i ''
curl is missing a feature like that, but the same functionality can be created by combining curl and xargs:
curl '' | xargs -I URL -n1 bash -c 'curl --create-dirs -o ${1:43} ${1}' -- URL
The dataset features 8 hours of single layer shallow cumulus clouds with an ever increasing cloud deck. After 8 hours, we increased the output interval to 1s for 2 minutes. The domain was initialized with dropsonde data from the EUREC4A campaign averaged over the HALO-0128 flight. A key feature of the dataset is its very high spatial and temporal resolution of 3D output fields (10m/5m and 1 second). The vision is that the high temporal frequency and spatial resolution of cloud and wind variables will allow for a wide range of offline benchmarks. Applications that come to our mind are offline benchmark for 1D and 3D radiative heating rate computations, 3D radiative transfer effects on retrievals as well as cloud motion tracking algorithms.

PALM-LES / EUREC4A shallow cumulus dataset with 3D cloud output data

Authors: Fabian Jakub and Lea Volkmer (LMU - MIM)


The dataset features 8 hours of single layer shallow cumulus clouds with an ever increasing cloud deck. After 8 hours, we increased the output interval to 1s for 2 minutes. The domain was initialized with dropsonde data from the EUREC4A campaign averaged over the HALO-0128 flight. A key feature of the dataset is its very high spatial and temporal resolution of 3D output fields (10m/5m and 1 second). The vision is that the high temporal frequency and spatial resolution of cloud and wind variables will allow for a wide range of offline benchmarks. Applications that come to our mind are offline benchmark for 1D and 3D radiative heating rate computations, 3D radiative transfer effects on retrievals as well as cloud motion tracking algorithms.

The dataset is comprised of the following directories/files:

  • spinup - PALM input files and outputs for the first phase of the simulations (8h)
  • highres - PALM input files and outputs for 2 minutes with outputs every second
  • overpass_images/ - virtual aircraft camera to get a feel for the cloud structure
  • palm_input/ - PALM input files
  • <> - Timeseries
  • <> - Vertical profiles
  • <> - 3D fields

Notable Variables in the 3D file:

varname dim description units
z 512 vertical layers (stretched) 5m at the surface
x 2560 horizontal grid dx 10m
y 1280 horizontal grid dy 10m
q time, z, y, x Total water mixing ratio kg/kg
qc time, z, y, x Liquid water mixing ratio kg/kg
nc time, z, y, x Rain-drop number mixing ratio #/m3
theta time, z, y, x Liquid Water Potential temperature K
u time, z, y, x Horiz. wind velocity m/s
v time, z, y, x Horiz. wind velocity m/s
w time, z, y, x Vertical wind velocity m/s

The folder plots/overpass_images/ contains images as they would be seen by the specMACS camera system on the HALO research aircraft. Images were generated by MonteCarlo raytracing with libRadtran/MYSTIC. For more details about the rendering contact


Cloud field at 8 hrs
Cloud field at 8 hrs

Example to work with the data with python/xarray:

import xarray as xr
ds = xr.open_mfdataset('highres/data/w/*.nc', concat_dim='time', combine='nested', decode_timedelta=False)
Vertical wind speed at z=1 km @ 8 hrs
Vertical wind speed at z=1 km @ 8 hrs
